Wow, it’s been a while I have completely forgotten how to structure these posts. Not that I ever have a structure, I tend to blabber out whatever is on my mind to the public and sit back and see whether anyone makes anything of it. So I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas & New Year, I know I certainly did.
10 days in Jamaica over Christmas, followed by an epic drinking session in town for New years Eve which was ended at some randomers house party. Was certainly entertaining but now life is back to normal and I guess I should start discussing 40k.
A new Year tends to mean a new start right? Is this the case for me and my 40k career? Well yes and no. Over the past two years I have attended a large number of events, tournaments, GT’s and local store events. The outcome has seen me take home a fair few prizes, meet some amazing players & people, and learnt a lot about my own play style. This has led me to the conclusion that, people are free to take an army off blogs tike this, but try design it to your own playstyle. Not every Space Wolf army needs to be a las/plas spam fest or MSU approach, I found out myself that personally a proper 8 man GH unit perfoms best. This is what practicing does, it helps you develop your own type of build and you learn more as you go a long. Even my self who has plenty of events under my belt always learns something new and different, so be open minded.
Anyways, enough blabbering, what shall we discuss today? Well I want to first inform you of my plans for this year and what I will be doing for all of you. I have kept saying time and time again I will do a bat rep for this, or a tactica covering this and that, but I never seem to get a chance to sit down and produce it. Then at events, the one thing I always forget to take is my camera, and when I do, I forget to take the picture etc. So time for a change and more preparation.
I promise to provide as much as I can in how my games go and how I play to provide some assistance to those who wish to learn, find new tips or simply interested to see what’s happening around the UK events...
So this year, currently I have a fair few events in attendance. I will try cover as many of the larger events as I can with pics and Bat reps. Hopefully I’ll even have time to do some Videos as well. So far I have:
UK Masters 2012 [Jan]
Caledonian Uprising [Jan]
Jolly Toys Nova style [Feb]
LGS Tourney [Feb]
Brighton Warlords Singles [Mar]
Adepticon 2012 [April]
Solent 40k Challenge [May]
Brighton Warlords Singles 2 [July]
European Team Championships [Aug]
Starsmash [Sept]
ETC Practice weekends [Lots and lots]
So as you can see, plenty down the pipeline. Now that’s not saying I can back each and every one, but those are the ones I will most likely be aiming for. For any non-regular tourney players who wish to visit these events, a full list with details can be found here: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=34366
So the first in line is the UK Masters 2012. This tournament selects the current ranked top 16 players on rankingshq.com to determine who is elegible to play. Now by no means is this a “perfect” system, but we wont go into that. What it does do is pick out the more concistent top performers, which in my opinion it has. After a while of it being implemented, the majority of players ranked in the top 25 are very good players, so in some way the system must be working, right? Anyways, what I am trying to say is, there wont be any easy games here. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t take an interesting list or play for fun, but expect every player to be playing hard and know their shit.
I have decided to bring along Blood Angels. The main reason for this is because first of all I enjoyed them when I took them to my last tournament. It was refreshing and certainly great fun to use. Next is the fact that they can still perform well, and I believe them to be one of the strongest contenders against the newer armies out there, namely Space Wolves, Grey Knights & Necrons. The biggest weakness for them in my opinion is Dark Eldar. FNP might reduce the damage for a turn or 2, but the lack of mass ranged in my type of BA army tends to mean the list gets bummed from the set go. By Dark Eldar, I tend to mean lists with 5+ Venoms.
Anyways, here are the two lists I will be taking along (as we need a 1500pt list & 1750pt list). I wrote these the day before the deadline, so lets hope they work!
Masters 2012 – Alex Harrison
Blood Angels – 1500pts Army List
Mephiston – 250pts
2x Sanguine Priests – 150pts
2x Jump Packs.
10x Assault Marines – 235pts
2x Meltaguns & Power fist.
10x Assault Marines – 235pts
2x Meltaguns & Power fist.
10x Assault Marines – 225pts
2x Meltaguns & Lightning Claw.
Predator – 135pts
Autocannon & 2 Lascannons.
Predator – 135pts
Autocannon & 2 Lascannons.
Predator – 135pts
Autocannon & 2 Lascannons
Grand Total – 1500pts
Blood Angels – 1750pt Army List
Mephiston – 250pts
2x Sanguine Priests – 150pts
2x Lightning Claw & 2x Combi-melta.
5x Assault Marines – 165pts
Meltagun, Infurnus Pistol, Lightning Claw & Razorback with Twin-linked Heavy Flamer & Dozer Blades.5x Assault Marines – 165pts
Meltagun, Infurnus Pistol, Lightning Claw & Razorback with Twin-linked Heavy Flamer & Dozer Blades.
5x Assault Marines – 165pts
Meltagun, Infurnus Pistol, Lightning Claw & Razorback with Twin-linked Heavy Flamer & Dozer Blades.
5x Assault Marines – 150pts
Meltagun, Infurnus Pistol & Razorback with Twin-linked Heavy Flamer & Dozer Blades.
5x Assault Marines – 150pts
Meltagun, Infurnus Pistol & Razorback with Twin-linked Heavy Flamer & Dozer Blades.
Attack Bike – 50pts
Attack Bike – 50pts
Attack Bike – 50pts
Predator – 135pts
Autocannon & 2 Lascannons.
Predator – 135pts
Autocannon & 2 Lascannons.
Predator – 135pts
Autocannon & 2 Lascannons.
Grand Total – 1750pts
Before you say anything, yes I wrote these before I realised Andy had a fetish for Blood Angels all of a sudden, guess it's just that bloody time of the month eh :)!
So we shall see how I get on, I hear rankingshq will be streaming table 1 live and recording it for all you lucky buggers. I am to face none other than England Captain first round, Josh Roberts so should be a walk in the park haha! Me and Josh always have close games, currently in terms of wins draws & loses, the results are even at 1-1-1 in the last 3 games we have played, so this will give one of us a lead in that respect.
Wish me luck guys, I'm certainly going to need it haha!
That's a lot of tournaments brother!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've got my Blood thirst back...not sure about time of the month though man!
I like the 1750, but I am not sure the 1500 is right.. but hey ho, the lists are in and its time to go balls out and get the job done!
The 1750 bum rush from the 1750 is cool, like the proliferation of Lightning Claws..
I think I prefer Devs to Preds these days.. but without a spare priest to provide FNP they do end up costing more.
In addition, the lascannons will be able to pop transports far easier than missiles hey..although volume so often trumps quality..
I'm sure the first round will be a tough one brother!
Did you toy with the idea of going all jumpers? I have thought long and hard on making that work and whilst I can't on a truly competitive front.. I think with Dev or Pred support it could be quite good?
Just chatting shit here really..was out last night and my analytical brain is a bit, well..brain dead.. I'll come back later and provide proper feedback!
Love to see your report!