Thursday, 15 July 2010

Throne of Skulls Mech BA plans....

Following a knee jerk reaction that went from “Screw it, I’m not going” to “Balls. Right well, I’m taking Tau” and from others advice – online namely TKE, Chumby BroLo – the usual suspects…. J in store as well – a fellow YTTH follower Andy ‘Curator of the Faith” P and a previous GT finalist Ed, I’m also not taking Space Wolves.

This ‘not taking Wolves’ stance comes from the advice that I may as well just go for ‘Best army x Player’ Award rather than all out winner. Which is a shame as I am just getting to grips with a variation of my Loganwing list… there’s always pick up game time for that…

I’ve also been told that a lot of the regular GT players are not going to be going this year, that many have in fact abandoned GW for Warmachine for a properly competitive tourney system? Any thoughts on this dear reader?

Now for critique…..

My current 1500 Mech BA list ready for the GT in November is as follows:

Librarian- Sword & Shield of Sanguinius

Assault Squad x5 w. Meltagun – Razorback; LasPlas, HKM

Assault Squad x5 w. Meltagun – Razorback; LasPlas, HKM

Assault Squad x5 w. Meltagun – Razorback; LasPlas, HKM

Baal Predator with TWAC, Heavy Bolter sponsons, HKM

Baal Predator with TWAC, Heavy Bolter sponsons, HKM

Baal Predator with TWAC, Heavy Bolter sponsons, HKM

AutoLas Predator with HKM

AutoLas Predator with HKM

Rifleman Dreadnaught (2xTLAC)

Not enough dakka?

Flamers instead of the Meltaguns? And give the Sergeants MB’s?

I have a reasonable amount of Lascannon fire for AV13+ plenty for transports, good anti-MC fire, good range, good alpha strike (at this points level)…back round to not enough dakka? Those Baals can put out a good amount of fire though…

Thoughts chaps?

Oh, in the meantime I’m also building a great looking all-DC army for kicks…maybe I should just roll with that at the GT lol…



  1. Lotsa dakka there. Personally I prefer the TLAC on the Razors since you're so speedy, but that's about it.

  2. More or less approved. Excellent. I like to keep the boys away from the fight for the first couple of turns, HKM and LasPlas...clearly the Las element, allows a general 'neutering' of enemy armour...using my speed puts me very close, very quickly and at greater risk. Using range I feel benefits me greatly before speeding in with my 15 marines! IMO, of course.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry. Poorly worded comment...

    Glad you used a different acronym for TWAC and TLAC to avoid confusing the noobs... :p

  5. Yeah, that was actually just a typo from me...
    I wish I were that considerate!

  6. I'm not a huge fan of Baals, unless you support them some how. Side shots on Baals are tough to pass on unless there are some other targets with additional threats (Marines inside). With Chumby's suggestion of AssCan Razors, I think it'd work - overloading mid-field. If you chose to go with that, I think a third autolas pred would be better than a rifleman.

    The other option would be speeders over Baals. You could pick up 3 Typhoons, a 4th Assault Squad in a Las/Plas Razor and inferno pistols for all of your ass squads for the 455 points the Baals are costing. I think that would be better for a shooty list with no true assaulting threats.

    With the list you have, the Baals find themselves in the midfield with no support. You cannot use the marines for this without a FNP bubble and/or more of them. Will 3 melta shots be enough?

  7. This is pretty close to my Razor-Spam 2k list except I'm using Priest and Honour Guard.

    How do you find the asscan Baals and also the normal Predators? I've tried both and not a fan of either tbh. Flamestorm is pretty fearsome though.
