Sunday, 21 October 2012

New Chaos Fiend Kit... Amazing WIP shots

Been putting the new Mauler/Forge Fiend kit together today, as well as finishing the painting on my Kirai/Von Schill Malifaux crew.

The new Chaos kits go together really well. Great design and style. I didn't like the fact that the Mauler's were so hunched over, so short essentially. I like a towering behemoth rather than a squat bitch. So I put the kit together in a more upright position/stance.

I really think it looks quite good this tall. I know that this is not how this particular model is meant to be, but if any of you remember the old Khorne Lord of Battle demon engine, I liked the idea of having a towering slaughterer.. What I really liked about the old Epic model was the mix of a massive cannon and the massive axe! Unfortunately, the new rules don't support this kind of mix.. but it did get me thinking about a Khornate Paladin army..

If I ran the Fiend with a claw from the mauler and an ectoplasma cannon, then we could call it a sword and heavy incinerator.. then we could run some crazy ass Khornate Termies and Zhufor as Draigo.. Plus, if it is true that Forgeworld are going to release Death Shroud Termies ... I think I just pee'd a little...Anyway..

The kit is nice to put together and is easy to keep interchangeable and looks wicked, I can recommend getting one..if not 3! I know I am going to grab another couple next month and a couple of Helldrakes... I am genuinely looking into running some sort of Chaos army...especially with Zombies everywhere...

I am really digging these kits.. Now just need to figure out how the hell the army works!

I am also very much all over the Typhus zombie horde, plus with extra toys to distract people, slow them down in their attempt to kill the zombie horde! Having put this giant rhino/dino together.. I really want 3 to be honest! So it looks like it'll be the Maulerfiend that gets run, or perhaps 2 Maulers and Forgefiend with The Voice was talking about yesterday.. Chaos 'Dread' bash: 
Could save points and not use Typhus..just use a Techmarine dude for half the points.. 

Warpsmith - 110 
Hellbrute, MM, Fist - 100 
Hellbrute, MM, Fist - 100
30 Cultists
30 Cultists
Aegis Defence Line - Quad Gun
9 Marines, meltagun 
9 Marines, meltagun
Dragon - Baleflamer 
Dragon - Baleflamer
Dragon - Baleflamer 

Could be fun... and by fun I mean...mean 


  1. How about?

    Slannesh Lord, steed, aura, lightning claw, melta bomb, burning brand.
    Hellbrute, MM, Fist
    Hellbrute, MM, Fist
    Hellbrute, MM, Fist
    30 Cultists
    30 Cultists
    10 Cultists
    10 Cultists
    Aegis Defence Line - Quad Gun
    10 Noise Marines - blastmaster

    1. Scoring is pretty decent I guess... doesn't do a lot though.. even flamers would make a big difference to the blobs.. Like getting the hellbrutes in.. but I am not so bothered.. maybe 2 and some decent options for the Cultists and another marine body or 2?

    2. So thinking of somthing like this maybe?

      Slannesh Lord, steed, aura, lightning claw, melta bomb, burning brand.
      Hellbrute, MM, Fist
      Hellbrute, MM, Fist
      30 Cultists, 3 flamers.
      20 Cultists, 2 flamers
      10 Cultists, heavy stubber
      10 Cultists, heavy stubber
      Aegis Defence Line - Quad Gun
      10 Noise Marines - blastmaster, fnp
      5 marines

      This gives you a few options. You could now have the smal marine unit man the quad gun and let the noise marines move up to midfield to cause more havok with the option of pulling towards and objectve late game or taking over on the quad.

      You can also have the outflanking lord come in with an extra 3 flamers to really scare some infatry on the flanks - or just use the noise marines for the same kind of thing with more punch and resilience.

      The deck chair cultists then get a bit of range with a gun to at least maybe to make some inpact on the game. Though the points could probably be spent on a doom siren or power weapon on the noise marine chamption now that their role can become much more agressive.

  2. looks good, feel like it needs a more human head since it is standing up but that is probably just me!

    1. Hey dude, yeah, I like the Ectoplasma head more than the dino head.. although I am toying with the crazy idea of doing a Tyranid/Demon army from this model.. using it and Cron/Ork/IG pieces to do a mechanicum esque army, in which case - he may end up with a head more in line with your scratch built Dreadknight..

      Speaking of which, any ideas on scratch building a Hellblade Chaos flier.. looks pretty simple, any top sites to check out for buying plasticard supplies etc?

    2. i get everything from 4D models ( great shop and good for online stuff as well. they have everything you could ever want and plenty you never knew you wanted.
      maybe i should build you something to get me out of this modelling slump :P

    3. Cheers man, I'll have a look.. well if you need to get yourself out of your modelling slump we can talk about you building me some sort of something... no idea what as yet and will probs end up doing most of it myself as a challenge...

      Tell you what, do you plan your scratchbuilds or do you just go for it? When I did my plasticard DE Venoms (5 of the buggers) it was simple and after a bit of thought with the first one..just did it.. But.. if you fancied as a little project doing a plan for the Hellblade FW flier thing...?? That'd be cool..

      plus, emailed you the other day..get back to me you git! Or are you not on the patty email anymore?

      you fancying blog wars 4 for fun?

    4. nope, i no longer use that one sorry!
      a.r.pattison at gmail dot com ;)

      wont be going to blog wars as i cant afford it (seriously, things are not good on that score) and i havent actually played a game of 6th yet :P

      as for scracthbuilds, i usually think about it for a few weeks and then just build!

    5. See, I thought it might have been that one... But for the life of me I couldnt find the address!!
      Ill email bout some ideas and blog wars...
      I like the just build approach...with some thought of course lol!!

  3. I think they look pretty interesting standing up. Look like a chaos metal Carnifex.

    1. Exactly dude.. the perfect tool for a freakish Nid army made from robots! Or a demon one!
