Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Malifaux WIP:Wicked Doll detailing

I've not had a chance to blog much for the last fortnight - getting back to work after the long summer break is a tough ol' slog. Back into routine now and ready to roll.
I've been aiming to paint 2-3 Malifaux miniatures a week in order to get them up to scratch.

Here I am showing you the Wicked Dolls, a Stitched Together and some WIP shots of Collodi the evil Pinocchio and some of his marionettes.. The Wickeds and Stitched are very close to finished.
Since the pics were taken they've had another wash of Devlan Mud to bring the colour down and blend the highlights a bit more. I'm looking at them now and they look damn good...if I say so myself.

I've tried to create this "burlap sack" type of effect on the skin of the dolls. I've just painted a lot of small, neat (where poss! lol) cross hatching in the larger open areas of the model. Hope you can see it above and to the right..

I did think about covering the entire model in them, but felt that that would lead to errors on my part and not look as good. This looks a little stylised or cartoony for sure, but I'm happy with it.

You also get a sneak preview of Lelu, a vampiric, melee monster.. currently he is short one arm as I am painting it seperately having pinned the model, just nice and easy to paint that way..the limb doesn't really get in the way at all.

Hmm..crap photo can't really see the cross hatching here..
With my Malifaux crews I am trying to keep to a relatively limited colour palette for each Faction, so the individual Crews within each still share some common ground. So the Collodi crew will visualy fit with the Lilith crew and Dreamer crew (both of which Lelu will belong to for example)

Hope you like, any thoughts or tips, let me know! 

1 comment:

  1. They are looking really good mate.
    We will have to get a game in.
    What are you going to do with the bases ?
