Friday, 23 March 2012


OK, so that may be a little extreme, but I LOOOOOVE Terminators... and what do I see in my inbox? I never post new models, but sometimes some stuff just appears and I can't resist...

In my humble opinion, this is the coolest terminator I have ever seen. and this little Chaplain fucker...amazing.
So...time to paint some Minotaurs? I've ordered this guy... so cool...

Here the link


  1. Yep, those are pretty sweet.

  2. They do look Cool and so does the skin wolf

  3. Amazing model for a Belial conversion ...

    Must ... not.

    Oh wait I'd already planned to use all my rogue trader terminators to remake my DW army lol.

    But seriously that is a damn good model, I can see so many sweet things to do with it.

    Damn you forgeworld, I said NO!

  4. Yup, yup and yup...they are sweet!
    The Skin Wolves are awesome too! Yeah I thought about Belial.. I looked up this guy in IA:10 and he's 235 points of meh. Pretty tough but just doesn't add enough for that kind of points. The chappie is viable in creating a pretty solid assault unit.. he adds +2A on the charge, has the older 'good' chaplain profile.. and all the usual stuff.. could be cool with assault termies..maybe even Vanguard as he can have a JP.. HE is only 145 so that's not horrible.. but again, the IA characters just don't do it for me on the table..

    Of course, if you are just going to buy it as a model.. screw it!

  5. Yeah - I almost treat IA stuff like the "good old days" where we used the models to represent vanilla stuff (because people never let you use special chars).

    The chappy sounds cool - I do think they need to go back to the old school stats on them to make them more viable.
