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Time to crush these Highland upstarts... |
1) Use an army that I am familiar with and no one that I just design the week before, playtest once and hope for the best.
2) Ensure said army is painted to the best of my ability so I can grab all the soft scores! A lot of players don’t get this and even just a few extra points will make the difference.
3) Design the army with the missions in mind.
We are going to start with point 3 today, I will investigate the missions and try and formulate some ideas based on them..
Mission 1 SG:5
Fairly straightforward one here. A few points that inform decision making..
If you deploy anything top right or bottom left, beware of units walking on or coming on from reserve and just assaulting you!
Certain army builds may be able to push the flank very well. For example, 2 troops and an HQ deploy bottom left (in the light green zone), going first, move so to block enemy troops moving on to the board in the bottom left, whilst his troops roll on top right and push this section of the board, attacking across two fronts.
It is also fairly easy to get troops deployed midfield almost straight away.
The central/diagonal line is drawn by the player going first, either top left - bottom right OR top right - bottom left...depending on terrain.. tactical advantage but nothing above the norm.
This is not a huge concern for the selection process though. Neither are the missions really. SG:5 (no, not another spin off of SG-1 :) ) and Annihilation ... I personally tend to aggressively move on objectives whilst simultaneously trying to cripple the enemy, especially movement...I simply find this the most efficient way of smushing the enemy. So as far as I am concerned the two work hand in hand..
Plenty of troops required, tough enough to hold out, mobile enough to get to where they need to be, whole army able to put out good firepower.
Mission 2: Cleanse
Spearhead, Cleanse and C&C...midfield control is incredibly important here. From the midfield we can lash out and smash any table quarter. Let the enemy move into the quarters, you push straight and true to the centre of the board. From here we can walk, move, drive, run..whatever..into any of the quarters. Spearhead allows this to happen for the person going first on the first turn.
This will make for a bloody game. Depending on the enemy, they will either come straight for you (be mindful of cover and minimise retaliation) and melta you to death, or drive off into the sunset of each quarter, from here ensure you put the clamps on their mobility and keep them in those quarters, this will then allow you to reach out and contest their quarters whilst dropping scoring units back into the home quarter to grab the win.
Of course, not as simple in real life.. what is required then? Mobility (mech IS king), survivability, mid ranged, effective shooting. Plenty of troops once again..
Mission 3 - Recon

Plenty of troops (trend here yes), plenty of tough units to form the blockade or just create a bottle neck through cheap transports. Hmm...
Mission 4 - Dawn of War

Cool, nice and easy, standard competitive armies required here please. We'll skip over this one...we should all know how to deal with this..
Mission 5 - Flank Attack
ooh, exciting one! well, different anyway..obvious temptation is to go for a split, pincer-style deployemnt and to flank out and envelope the enemy. Although, I'd be tempted to deploy out on the flanks and then just push straight in to the centre..depending on the enemy of course, if I felt that he could outmanouevre and really hurt me from doing so, then I'd maintain the flank and funnel him into the middle, then pounce..of course the real danger with pushing your opponent into the centre of the board is that that is where he wants to be to win! lol.
Take and Hold Primary - winner is the dude with the most shit within 12" of the centre. Have to have a 'babysitter' type unit to hold the home objective. Mobility, hard hitting, close combat is totally inevitable, be strong or at least competent in it..
Mission 6 -
Fairly straightfoward end to the weekend then.. no notes on this one either..
Mission are scored out of 20, Primary worth 8, Secondary worth 4, VPs up to 8 based on difference.
So these are the mission I need to deal with...several trends have sprung up over the course of this little examination...
Has this been a worthwhile activity? Yes, I feel a great deal happier knowing that I've had a proper look at the missions BEFORE I submit the lists.. not something I've done before really.. it also really helps me when I am thinking up new ideas or refreshing old ones as I can visualise these missions and formulate plans..
What about you guys? Any of you chaps of to Caledonia and considering the missions or just running your armies?
I forgot about the missions when I wrote (and now submitted my list).
ReplyDeleteOh well......
Pure Guard Infantry FTW!!!!!!!
This is what I should have wrote a week or so ago when I was pondering the missions thanks for doing it for me Ven ! lol
ReplyDeleteI've been giving it some thought since doing so and I really think taking Logan wing will be a bad move due to lack of mobility.
Therefore its back to good old Mech Space Wolves, I know this list like the back of my hand and is a safe option to go for. Lots of troops and hulls are the order of the day me thinks.
Excellent article. I hate you, I have to try to get more troops in and the only way I can shoehorn more in is to drop the landraider and maybe even my beloved Assault Terminators.
ReplyDeleteYou make alot of good points, namely the Troops (was this aimed at my lack thereof?).
Back to the drawing board
@ rick...not aimed at you bud!! Just a stream of consciousness type thing for me...im pretty damn sure you can get loads of terms and shooty troos plus lr and speeders in...
ReplyDelete@Bradimus, not a problem bud lol! Its only an overview...mech wolves is a top contender for me too.
@MC...shit, how many guardsmen at 1850? 120-130? More? Slow play movement phase ftl!!:)
Bloody hell John no offence but I hope I don't end up playing you with that lot! lol Brads turn 5 minutes, Johns turn 1 hour 5 minutes.
ReplyDelete@Ven standby for some lists.
Based on these missions here's the Mech Lists I've come up with:-
ReplyDeleteRune Priest, Chooser
10 Wolf Guard
2 x Termi, 2 x CML, 1 x Chainfist
2 x PF & CM
5 x CM
1 x BP, CCW
Drop Pod
Lone Wolf, TDA, CF, SS
Lone Wolf, TDA, CF, SS
6 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Rhino + DB
6 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Rhino + DB
6 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Rhino + DB
6 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Rhino + DB
5 Grey Hunters, Melta
5 Grey Hunters, Melta
5 Long Fangs
4 Missiles
Razorback + Heavy Bolters
5 Long Fangs
4 Missiles
Razorback + Heavy Bolters
5 Long Fangs
4 Missiles
Razorback + Heavy Bolters
or there is this one:-
Rune Priest, Chooser
10 Wolf Guard
2 x Termi, CML, Powerfist, Chainfist
3 x PF & CM
5 x CM
Drop Pod
Lone Wolf, TDA, CF, SS
Lone Wolf, TDA, CF, SS
8 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Rhino + DB
8 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Rhino + DB
7 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Rhino + DB
5 Grey Hunters, Melta
5 Grey Hunters, Melta
5 Long Fangs
4 Missiles
Razorback + Heavy Bolters
5 Long Fangs
4 Missiles
Razorback + Heavy Bolters
5 Long Fangs
4 Missiles
Razorback + Heavy Bolters
List 1 obviously has max troops but slightly smaller packs. Four Rhinos to push forward and two backfield sitter units or five hull pushing forward and 1 sitter unit. List 2 has 1 less troop slot but three of the packs are tough cookies with extra bodies, one concern is the amount of VP's they give away though.
The Wolf Guard are farmed out as needed or can drop in as a double cyclone unit or as a meltacide unit.
Both a straight forward and what I know best.
@ven so you will be taking tau then ; )
ReplyDeletei am actually really happy with these missions. My standard list handles them extremely well (except for dawn of war kill points, bah!!!), and i have just added an astropath to get my stormies and any outflanking vendettas in the right place, and a 6 man (plus overseer) Psyker squad on foot (will hide until required) to help me make stuff vanish from objectives.
ReplyDeletehere is the complete list:
Company Command Squad – 4 meltaguns, Astropath – 120
Chimera – hull heavy bolter – 55
Psyker Battle Squad – 6 Psykers – 80
Stormtroopers - 5 men, 2 meltaguns – 105
Chimera – hull heavy flamer – 55
Stormtroopers - 5 men, 2 meltaguns – 105
Chimera – hull heavy flamer – 55
Veteran Squad – 3 meltaguns, autocannon, demolitions – 140
Chimera – hull heavy flamer – 55
Veteran Squad – 3 meltaguns, autocannon, demolitions – 140
Chimera – hull heavy flamer – 55
Veteran Squad – 3 plasma guns, Autocannon – 125
Chimera – hull heavy bolter – 55
Platoon Command Squad – 3 flamers – 45
Chimera – Hull Heavy Flamer – 55
Infantry Squad – Autocannon – 60
Infantry Squad – Autocannon – 60
Vendetta Gunship – 130
Vendetta Gunship – 130
Hydra Flak Tank – Hull Heavy Flamer – 75
Hydra Flak Tank – Hull Heavy Flamer – 75
Hydra Flak Tank – Hull Heavy Bolter – 75
i have a good mix of mobility, resiliance and firepower (particularly at close range) so i will hopefully do ok.
My pure foot IG has 169 men :p
ReplyDelete2 CCS squads with Banners, one with Creed,
4x Platoons with Infantry Squads (1 in 3 has a commissar) and 3x 5 man Storm Trooper Squads.
@MC - Shit. That's alot of men..Platoons got plenty of HWT's? or Heavy weapons in the units?
ReplyDelete@Bringer - yup! nope! maybe! standard Ven fickle response..
@Bradimus, both are nice and simple, but very effective...think these would both allow you to focus on playing the mission and player and not worrying about mobility or having the right tools..very nice looking armies.
I'd like to see some plasma in there though, that'd be my only real criticism.
I also prefer 2 x single TWC with Claws instead of those HB Razors on the Long Fangs, but I can fully see the justification here, such an emphasis on mobility and late game movement to objectives and table quarters, it absolutely makes sense, although it does dilute combat potential and threat ranges somewhat.. a good decision I think..
@Atriedes...looks nice and complete. Bah! 22 KPs is nothing..I built one with 25 yesterday...
I've tried Plasma and it just doesn't do it for me unless used on mass i.e in a company command squad etc and I always end up wishing I'd taken melta when my plasma pack has a Land Raider bearing down on it like at Onslaught.
ReplyDeleteThe Heavy Bolters are in beause of the trend I've seen lately at tournies from Dark Eldar and Grey Knights etc. Its popular to take little 3 man squads of Wracks and Acolytes as scoring units and have them hang backfield, even necrons will be guilty of this to some degree with 5 man warrior squads. The Heavy Bolterbacks give me a nice cheap little option to A) deploy the fangs better and B) pick off this annoying little fuckers.
HB's are useful, if a bit shit sometimes..but you are right, they are useful for the reasons you outline..
ReplyDeletePlasma is, for me, just so useful..so many marines and being able to just blow them away is great. And yes, cover is a bitch, but there are SOOOO many times when you can catch marines in the open.. but it is each to their own.. certainly the home objective squads I consider perfect for plasma as it has the added range, and if the land raider has gotten through all of your front line troops, well..you've done something very wrong and are fucked.