For most of last year I barely played, looked at, even thought about 40k or any other mini game. Occasionally something would ignite a spark of interest and I'd paint a few guys or have a few games, but everything seemed overwhelmingly stale, and boredom would strike once more within days. Then, after Christmas, I ran into a blog post somewhere about the X-Wing miniatures game. While I'd heard about it before, I had never seen the minis in detail or heard about the rules. For the first time in ages, I was immediately interested and since I had some amazon vouchers I bought a starter set (only £22) to see for myself. Two days later I Ebayed off an old copy of space hulk and bought £120s worth of other ships and a playing mat and haven't looked back.
I will make no secret of the fact that I love this game, and I just want to run over what I think makes it so brilliant, as well as touch on a few minor niggles I have with it so far. In essence I suppose, this is a review of the game.
So, why should you all be playing X-Wing?
Firstly, it's Star Wars!! Flying Luke's X-Wing with R2 in the back, against a horde of Ties is any fans' dream. The setting automatically makes any battle into an epic struggle in a galaxy far, far away, a long time ago, and this is always going to be a good thing. It also lends the game a much wider appeal. My brother, who has never had the slightest bit of interest in gaming, jumped at the chance to play this game. I was amazed when he loved it, and now we have a game every few weeks. That isn't an isolated incident either. Two of the guys I have played at clubs in London had never played 40k before. I was honestly amazed by this, but it turns out they picked it up in Forbidden Planet because it looked cool.
So what about costs. If you play a lot of games you know that this hobby can get expensive, and the last thing any of us need is another money sink. Luckily, start-up costs are minimal, for X-Wing. If you wanted to, you could have a competitive tournament list, and all the dice and tokens you need to play it, for between £40-£60. This is huge. It means guys like my brother, or the two Forbidden Planet dudes, can get into it without even blinking at the cost. If you want to get a bit more serious and have the option to field different squadrons, you can spend a bit more. So far I have spent around £300 since Christmas, but I have enough ships to field virtually anything I want for both Rebels and Imperials. The best part though in my opinion, is that it takes up virtually no storage space. My entire fleet, and all the gaming tokens and templates are stored in a single standard size KR multicase.
All X-Wing ships are pre-painted to a pretty high standard. For me this is fantastic, as I detest painting. However, many others who enjoy it will be pleased to discover that the ships are very simple to add to, or even completely repaint. There are fantastic examples out there of people who have faithfully reproduced the exact paint schemes from movies or comics. Clearly of course, this isn't the point of X-Wing. It is deigned as a 'pick up and play' experience, so what about the rules?
I wont go over the finer points here, but I will lay out roughly how the game works because I think it is a very elegant system. The game uses templates of fixed but varying sizes to enable players to move their ships. Not all ships can perform all maneuvers, and some maneuvers are harder to perform than others. For example a fast and agile Tie Fighter can move very fast forwards and turn sharply left and right, but it cannot perform very slow moves, which can sometimes be a major disadvantage. By contrast, the X-Wing can perform several slower maneuvers but cannot move as fast or turn as sharply. To balance this, the X-Wing is considerably more difficult to destroy as it has shields, but a little easier to actually hit in the first place.
Each ship is moved one by one, in an order determined by the skill of the pilots your choose, with those of the lowest skill moving first. When everyone has moved, combat begins and again, each ship fires one at a time in pilot skill order, but this time the best pilots shoot first. This is clearly where luck comes in, and with only 2-5 D8's per ship per attack, the game is occasionally subject to a fluke incredible (or otherwise) roll. however, generally good piloting and intelligent use of upgrades and abilities work to balance the low number of dice.
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A game I played a few weeks back, photographed by my opponent. The awesome wrecks represent asteroids, an ever present an nasty danger for foolish pilots. |
As a final point, the list building is a lot of fun. There are many, many combos and alternative builds to consider, with all ships having at least one type of upgrade slot, and many having up to 7 or 8. The large ships in particular are very customizable, with multiple support system, crew and weapon slots available.
In conclusion, I hope a few people read this and decide to give X-Wing a try. It is only £22 for a starter set and I promise you it is worth every penny. Alternatively, if anyone is in London and fancies an intro game then comment below or email me and I'll be happy to oblige. Fly Casual everyone!
Firstly, I love that you have posted! I enjoy your style and it's so nice to check out my blog and see something new on here (I'm kinda busy IRL at the mo)!!
ReplyDeleteI am also chuffed you've not just burned out and walked away from geekery in general buddy..this is a system I've played a couple of times and did genuinely enjoy straight away..
I echo you on how easy it is to get stuck in, but tougher to master.
Also, the fact that this is STAR WARS really helps! So much! It is hard to buy into the IP of so many other games as you just don't care about the back story??? Infinity is an example here.. Warhams just has such a rich universe, but others fail with that..,
Star Wars on other hand..
In fact, before gaming club tonight..I'm going to order my copy :)
Haha awesome, it was worth writing then!
DeleteThere are some great looking tournaments out there as well, with the added bonus of being one day events since the games are so fast.
I'll see if I can do a few battle reports or something on the game in the near future.
Ordered. Steve involved too! Love it. We have quite a strong scene at the club..I'd say we have a minimum of one game per week, standard is two games going each night. At least 3 guys go to tournaments for it..
DeleteGiven some time to get to grips, an xwing tournie could very realistically something we could run at the club. for thought.
I'm psyched to get a game in!
Any solid tips on blogs or reading material Atreides?
I get most of my tips and tricks from the official forums, which are very good indeed. There is a lot of great stuff on youtube as well about flying in formation and other bits and bobs.
Deletealso the X-Wing UK facebook page here:
Sweet, thanks dude...Darren below mentions the metal bikini site? Might have to check it out when I have some more half term week!
DeleteMy FLGS has just got a big x wing display in and this is the push i need going to grab the starter set on payday
ReplyDeleteFantastic, very glad to bring another into the fold. you will not regret it!
DeleteX-wing is a refreshing counterpoint to 40k. Cheap to get into, quick to learn, layers of depth to list building and tactics, fast to play and finally (perhaps most importantly!) it's Star Wars!
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more everyone should play it. I got hooked recently and I'm already singing its praises to anyone who'll listen. All of the games I've had have felt close, dramatic and incredibly fun from start to finish.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't a perfect system but it's a lot closer than anything else I've played, except perhaps Bloodbowl but that isn't STAR WARS!
I've been following your adventures with Matt.. Seems very easy to get hooked!
DeleteThe Metal Bikini is a great site for X Wing. Seeing as there is such an X Wing scene going down at the club I must come down again. I too got burnt out on 40K.
Hey Darren...yeah there are a solid core of guys playing. I'd say 4-6 involved regularly. Steve and I have just jumped in too.
DeleteYou showed me how it worked in the first place I think ages ago didn't you?
You still playing it?
Yes we did have a game a year or so ago and yep still playing, mostly flying rebels but want to try and learn Imperials. My group just started playing Dreadball but I will try to get down the club once the league is done for a game of X Wing.
ReplyDeleteI'm picking up Imperials myself. Love being a bad guy! Plus, Boba Fett. Nuff said.
DeleteHopefully by the time the dreadball is done we'll have a really strong group of gamers ready to take you on!
Ok.. Couple of days later and I'm three starter boxes deep plus Slave-1 ... :)
ReplyDeleteDamn you Andy for pushing me over the edge!
Mission accomplished! ;)
DeleteJust flown into an asteroid. D'oh!
Deletedam you!!.i just went a brought it
ReplyDeleteHaha...good lad!