Wednesday, 17 April 2013

An Ode to the High Yield Missile Pod

The High Yield Missile Pod Poem:

Oh missiles I love you so,
For your range and your strength.
You aid in laying the enemy low,
Wherever they hide along the board length.

Your brother in arms,
Have great AP,
Often do fools succumb to the Railguns charms,
Given time the errors of their ways they'll see.

You have multiple shots... ah fuck it.

I'm no poet...

I've seen some people slagging the High Yield Missile Pod (HYMP) and raising up the frankly inferior Heavy Rail Rifle.

FACT: The HYMP is God in Tau form.

Deal with it.. HYMP is the new Rail Gun.. it WILL be rightly feared. It SHOULD be rightly feared.

If you don't agree... play against 3x3 Crisis Suits with TL MP and a MP and 3x3 Broadsides with full missiles on the cheap - HYMP & SMS.
Add in some more S7 in the Commander who mans a quad gun with Target Lock and Puretide Engram to an attached Broadside unit for Tank Hunters and the re-roll vs penetration is GOLDEN compared the extra point of strength.

No, the Hammerhead submunition is NOT as good as the 8 TL shots EACH broadside puts out.. especially with Markerlight support.

So..ideas then for Tau lists...I'm not throwing everything out there.. but here are a couple of thoughts:

A Broad Rip in your 'Sides 1850:

Commander - Iridium Armour, Target Lock, MP, Drone Controller, Puretide Engram
3 TL MP Crisis Suits
3 TL MP Crisis Suits

Riptide - Ion Accelerator, Interceptor
6 Fire Warriors
6 Fire Warriors

10 Kroot
10 Kroot
Aegis Defence Line - Quad Gun
6 Markerlight Drones
5 Pathfinders
5 Piranhas - Burst Cannon
3 Broadsides - HYMP, SMS
3 Broadsides - HYMP, SMS

3 Broadsides - HYMP, SMS

mmmm.. missiles.. mmmmm....Riptide! mmm...Piranhas..

Tau suck at scoring.
Suck that up, move on.
Kill everything that moves.
Except Land Raiders.

Need to deal with Armour?

1 Commander - Iridium Armour, Target Lock, MP, Drone Controller, Puretide Engram, 2 Markerlight Drones,
1 Bodyguard - TLMP, MP

3 TL MP, MP Crisis Suits (for 12 S7 shots)
3 TL MP, MP Crisis Suits
3 TL MP, Fusion Crisis Suits (for that Land Raider...or if you feel almost 80 S7 shots with Markerlight support across 4 units won't strip an AV13 vehicle or 2 per turn..)
6 Fire Warriors
6 Fire Warriors
10 Kroot
10 Kroot
Aegis Defence Line - Quad Gun
5 Pathfinders
5 Pathfinders
5 Pathfinders
3 Broadsides - HYMP, SMS
3 Broadsides - HYMP, SMS
3 Broadsides - HYMP, SMS

Fusion Blasters on a mobile platform that is effective at 24", but best at 15"... and for everything else...there's S7.

My new motto.. better than MasterCard. "For everything else, there's the Missile Pod" - it used to be my Tau 'live by' motto.. is still is.
Thoughts guys?


  1. thats a shit load of strength 7!
    just thinking out loud here might not be ideal situation but can the shas'o with drone controller join the marker drones and then they benefit from his bs 5?
    not played against tau in the new codex form but from the dex its almost got to much choice.
    i like the farsight bomb with lots of flamer and plasma to deal with blobs or m.e.q.

    1. That's the exact reason he's in there with the drone controller..

      Farsight.. Meh. Has to come in first.. It's also a lot of fire power to NOT have on the table..

  2. Nice Harpoon shot, but you could of pic grabbed an RN one...

    So are Pods basically 4 shot Autocannons? And TL... rifleman crisis suits? Lol. How do they compare for range?

    Gotta love the pose of the new Broadsides tho, with the Railgun they look hard as feck.

    1. Sorry about my apparent lack of patriotism!
      Pods are Autocannons, 2 shots s7. But you can fill all three slots with weapons now, such as TL mp and then a second non-TL mp.

      It is a bad ass pose on the new broadies, they look sexy!

  3. AG 14 will still mess you up.

    There again no one other than me is crazy enough to taoe multiples.

    1. Lol.. It happens though! Very rarely... Which is kinda the point..

  4. Both lists only have a single unit capable of dealing with AV14, personally I don't think that's enough. Anyone rocking a few AV14 hulls will know to blow that unit away first then hide the rest from your pea shooters.

    Also, you neglected to mention the advantage of AP1 over AP4 when dealing with vehicles in your comparison between the HY missiles and the heavy railgun.

    Granted it won't be a regular occurance due to the scarcity of those hulls, but it is still worth having a little redundancy, I think.

    1. "A few" av14 hulls means unbalanced, shitty army.
      If they are raiders, they will undoubtedly be transporting some assault unit, which mean the squishy shit (yes, this includes termies) have to get out of the transport.. The transport itself, ie a land raider, really isn't putting that much offensive fire in my face.
      Other av14 is the monolith....which I don't care about.. And a couple of Russ types.. Which are nasty sure...but not av14 in their side armour.. Mobility is useful I've been told.

      Redundancy is important, and truth is.. If we were to see more av14 at tournaments then I'd include more. As it is.. The higher tables don't have av14... When they do, I'll include more. Also re redundancy, s9 ordnance is decent vs av14 too..especially with ap2, no cover and boosted ballistic skill.. But yeah, only one unit in each army.. I'm losing my love of the skimmers... Might include more fusion or change the piranhas to fusion..

    2. All three units of crisis could change to TLMP/ FB at the expense of some medium range shooting for short range fusion action across multiple platforms.

      Could always do Shadowsun and some fusion crisis bodyguard instead of the piranhas... They'd be (32+20)*2,, plus 135 for Shadowsun.. Hmm..bit expensive and frankly with Shadowsun or other armies, I've never rated shooting just one gun at something and hoping it works..

    3. Good way of breaking it down Ven.

      You know the "weakness" but just assess it rationally. Do you actually need to deal with AV14? As long as you have SOMETHING, your covered since its only a corner case of a list that you maybe face in day 1 of a tournament, as it should be weeded out by day 2 (on a 6 game one).

    4. Exactly dude.
      But it is nice to be able to deal with least in a nominal kinda way

  5. As with most everyone else, the only change I could see you may end up wanting to take is a couple of fusion blasters in the Piranhas of the first list, they are going to be one of the better tank hunting units with their speed - straight into the side armour and bye bye tank.

    I'm so tempted by Tau - absolutely loving pretty much everything about them. Will we be seeing yours at BW5?

    1. I'm working on the fusion delivery system.. Not sure how to do it effectively yet..

      As for BW5, I must admit I'm struggling to figure out the travel for new venue..I certainly can't drive to Stockport in the am and home in the pm and still be even vaguely mentally aware!!

  6. I know what you mean, its not that far further North, but it tips it over the edge for a day trip really, and is an arse to get to from your side of the country. I can make it but only getting the first train out of Oxford (6am), and getting back around midnight. Mind you, it had to be an entire weekend trip for me to Mansfield because the is f. all public transport to there, so that's at least an improvement for me. I fear that despite looking better on paper, it could mark a bad change for BW, if only there was a centre a bit further South...

    1. Not much going on down here though, that's the problem..
      It's a sad situation that Mansfield is dead..Birmingham somewhere would be perfect

  7. "Fusion Blasters on a mobile platform that is effective at 24", but best at 15"... and for everything else...there's S7. "

    Aren't the new fusion blasters range 18"? so that gives the crisis suits an effective range of 30" with an optimal range of 21".

    1. How's that?
      They are JET PACK, not JUMP infantry dude.. 6" move..

  8. Are the Tau troops still just a joke? Like "start in reserve and hope they never come on" bad or actually reasonable?

    Not seen any of the 6th Ed codex's yet- might have to acquire them somehow just to have a nose through.

    1. Tau troops are still very much the weakest element of the codex. Fire warriors have a very decent output when used in combination with other units in the book...ethereal s, fire blades, markerlights etc.. It generally, still weak. Their issue for me is mobility. Devilfish are not awful, but still quite expensive. Kroot are better at shooting but worse at combat.. Can be very point efficient snipers.. They can outflank in large groups too which somewhat combat the mobility issue.
      Largely though... I try to protect them whilst laying waste to the opponent with missiles...
