Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Ravenwing Basing update...

Hey folks. Been away from the interwebz for the last four/five days.. Not much been going on huh?

Anyway, I've been back to my hobby projects and my Ravenwing cork basing project has progressed very nicely.
The guy to the left is just the first test model to actually get attached to his base. I think the light colour of the ruins/rubble really helps to contrast the dark colour of the Ravenwing.....
The cork bases were primed with grey.. I just used a cheap primer for this as its not necessary to really go to town on the base primer..

After this, I used a mix of Deneb stone, bleached bone and Vallejo light flesh, about 40:40:20 and just slapped on a watered down mix of this.

I did start using the airbrush, but frankly.. The brush was far better and it was really good to just get a it tactile with the brush again..

I let this dry briefly in the house and then used Europe Dust pigment from MIG pigments to heavily brush the bases.

I really "jab" this stuff on to the bases, grinding the brush in a circular motion as I apply the pigment to make sure it works its way into the crevices of the base and sticks to it.

I think I will use an epoxy resin mix to create a sloppy, wet mud onto the lower portions of the bikers.. After this dries I'll apply a dry dusting of a lighter pigment to weather the bikes..

It is a slower project than just airbrushing the crap out of the army, but it is more rewarding in many allows me to try out techniques I've not used for a while and to try and blend the use of an airbrush with the traditional brush..

I'm enjoying it and hope this is useful for you guys also... I should point out once again how mind blowingly simple this shit is.. It costs £4 per sheet and the painting and pigmenting took like an hour and a half.. Sweet.


  1. What colour will you do the rims of the bases? A light biege/brown like Kommando Khaki colour or a contrasting colour?

  2. Hey Siph... I thought scorched brown or something similar... Thoughts?
