Sunday, 15 April 2012

Emperor's Finest - Change of Plans

No drastic change of plans, just a unfortunate scenario has occurred.

No WIP post today, I've been a bit slack this week, I have made some more units but I really want to get some painting done as well rather than just keep posting construction stages 24/7, I wouldn't mind so much if I was on the level of Atreides (look out for his post this week btw), but my strength's certainly come in the painting stages.

However, there has been a pretty huge change to my plans.

I am no longer attending Tolworth - which means I don't have to have the army ready in four more weeks. I unfortunately had a scheduling conflict which means I have to pull out of the event.

I am however, the proud owner of a place at Blog Wars Three on 2nd June up at Maelstrom.

The Change Up

So this does significantly alter my plans, and is part of the reason why my WIP has eased up a little bit the past few days. With no requirement to finish in the next four weeks, and in fact getting another four week extension has made me want to slow down a little bit and pay a little bit more attention to detail. Especially on the painting side. While my first painted unit was fine, I know with more time I can drastically raise the level of production as it were.

Goals for Blog Wars

Thus my attention is on Blog Wars

I went to Blog Wars One, and managed a record of 2-0-1, which was good for 4th place. 1st through 4th all had two wins and one draw, and Venerable won on merit of Victory Points in the end, so it was a pretty good tournament, certainly my best of 2011.

I also won Best Painted Special Character for my Belial.

So going into Blog Wars I have some standards and goals I want achieve. I want to win back my title of Best Painted Special Character. I have the standard I need to beat in the above model, and know others will be pushing for it. I also feel the conversion needs to be spot on, and hopefully I can get there.

As for Best Painted Army:

This was the first winner. I am yet to find the winners from the second blog wars but I will search them out when I get a chance (no tag line archiving!). This army was pretty well done, and I feel I can get a pretty good standard to match this sort of level.

While I think it might be harder to win Best Painted Army, since some players there will have been working on theirs for a while, I'd love to place in the Top 3 of this.

Gaming Side

I'll be taking my Sisters hopefully to Blog Wars 4 - but I need to get my GK's done for tournaments, so I'll be taking them this time around obviously. Like I said last time, I was basically a VP's short of winning, and between myself, Ven and Atreides all were in strong positions to win. Ven obviously taking the crown.

I will be a little rusty going in, but I still feel I want to push for a Top3 spot. Last time I had a blast, playing Fudal from Claws and Fists in my first game, Venerable with his Dark Eldar in the second, and then a Grey Knight all Paladin army in what is probably the most farcical game I've ever played in, my opponent might have forgotten a few key rules at times! But it didn't change the day or the outcome, so it was all fun and games as it should be.

However, I would like to avoid playing Venerable around half way through the tournament in a Killpoint Dawn of War game, again (we've been paired together on that exact set up 3 times in two tournaments!)


  1. Allow me to help with the BW2 painting competition:

    The winner was Chris' Tyranids and the special character was won my Helbrecht (which the guy painted a couple of weeks before the tournament).

    Glad to see you're coming to BW3, good to have you back on the scene.

    PS. Once BW3 is over and I'm not frantically painting my Dark Eldar I'll do something about the inability to find stuff on my blog!

  2. Oh and I've changed the scoring system (I'll update the scenarios soon) to hopefully prevent duplicate matchups. This should mean that if you find yourself playing Ven (or any other Sons guy) we can switch you around.
